To start our journey we need some guiding principles and beliefs. I call these principles and beliefs ‘Presuppositions…’

The following presuppositions are the very foundation of Astral Jumping and the subsequent Ideas, Tools & Techniques. They are not necessarily true, after all what is! But living ‘as if’ they are absolutely true will empower you to achieve a life in line with your deepest desires.

I have listed the following presuppositions in numerical order. This is not based on any merit of importance, but simply on my own perceived order of a process and structure.

1: There are an infinite number of parallel universes, and each parallel universe streams from a single point. That single point is source consciousness.

2: Source consciousness has no location, it is location itself.                 

3: There are infinite alternate versions of you, and each alternate version of you has their own corresponding parallel universe in which they perceive an existence of self.

4: Each alternate version of you streams from a single ‘Being’ of light in source consciousness. You are that Being of Light. You are the ‘Infinite I’

5: As that being of light, you are presently in a Gateway-Portal in source consciousness. You are projecting an Astral Body into multiple incarnations of ‘self’ in multiple parallel universes simultaneously. You are projecting self and absorbing experience.

6: As that being of light in the Gateway-Portal, you have access to all other selves and all other selves have access to you via the whole you;  the ‘Infinite I’.

7: Each incarnation of self, is an Astral projection from the ‘Infinite I’, not the ‘Infinite I’ itself. What each Astral projection knows, the ‘Infinite I’ also knows by default.

8: Each of your incarnations and corresponding parallel universes, are only a quantum apart. “A quantum is the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, such as energy or matter” The further apart the frequency, the further apart the perceived reality. (Alter the frequency, alter the perceived reality)

9: All frequency’s, and therefore all perceived reality, stream from Source Consciousness.

10: As a being of light in Source Consciousness you have access to all perceived reality and all perceived knowledge…

11: Every person with whom you interact is a kindred Spirit, and is also a being of light, in a Gateway-Portal, in source consciousness, projecting an Astral ‘self’ into each parallel universe simultaneously.

12: As kindred spirits you all knew each other before you arrived in your present perceived reality. You all chose to collectively share an experience, although you all have your own outcomes.

13: You all Astral projected from the Gateway-Portal at the same moment, although your projections arrive at their perceived reality in line with their chosen moments of conception.

14: Linear time is the ultimate Earth Plane Illusion. It does not exist. There are no past lives, only parallel lives, and so the terms Regression and Past Lives are simply misnomers.

15: If you believe you have previously regressed to a past life, or have past life memories, you have in-fact experienced/visited an alternate Astral self in a parallel universe via your ‘Infinite I’

16: The reality that you perceive is a construct created by Supreme Consciousness.

17: The visible universe, and everything within it, is your consciousness objectified by the construct.

18: Your Consciousness is the cause. The construct is the effect.

In Summary

You are an eternal spiritual being presently in source consciousness in a Gateway-Portal. You are the ‘Infinite I.’ You are Projecting an Astral body into many different incarnations over an infinite number of parallel universes. The ‘you’ in the Gateway-Portal is experiencing all of these incarnations simultaneously. Because all of these incarnations are in-fact an Astral Projection from the ‘Infinite I’ that is ‘you’ you of course have access to all of your ‘other’ incarnations and their vast array of experiences, talents and knowledge.