And even though its taken you some time to arrive, I knew you would eventually be here now.

Every decision you have made and every step you have taken, has led you to be here at this precise moment in your percieved time~space reality.

You are an eternal spiritual being perceiving a physical experience.

You are the ‘Infinite I.’

You are Projecting an Astral body into many different incarnations over an infinite number of parallel universes.

Whatever challenges you may face or whatever desires you wish to fulfil, there is an alternate ‘you’ that has already successfully overcome those challenges and achieved those desires.

So what if you could find a way to communicate with your alternate selves and learn from them? What if you could draw from their experience, their knowledge, their skills, and apply it to your own life?

And what if you could meet with inspirational leaders and influencers from your perceived past, present and future and tap into their wealth of experience? Even meeting with loved ones that have passed back over?

Well now you can; It’s called Astral Jumping, and the possibilities are endless.

And so welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Astral Jumping. From here on in I will be your travel agent, pilot and tour guide. So make sure you are sitting comfortably, get ready for take off, and prepare to leave any un-wanted baggage behind.

Astral Projection, The Law of Attraction, Past Life Regression, Healing, Exploring Parallel Worlds.

Amazing relationships, financial abundance, incredible health and vitality. You really can be, do and have everything in this life that you truly desire…

So come with me now and discover how you can travel to ‘other’ dimensions, meet with alternate selves, spirit guides, angels and warriors, and create the life of your dreams.